Saturday, November 21, 2009

Note to Self: Add to The Global Assembly Cache on MSI Imports

Lately, I've been busy with deployment and re-deployment of BizTalk solutions for testing purposes. In the deployment step, I just want to import the MSI and done. But, to do that, I also need to make sure that when I import the MSI, all the assemblies is also added to the GAC. So, I have to modify each of the resources and check the "Add to the global assembly cache on MSI imports (gacutil)" option. Well, it's quite annoying things to do if you need to do this for all the resources.

Thanks to Dmitriy, I just need to run this query in the adpl_sat table of BizTalkMgmtDb database:
update dbo.adpl_sat set properties = replace(cast(properties as nvarchar(4000)),
False', 'UpdateGacOnImport</key><value>True') where applicationId = <app_id>

Monday, November 16, 2009

SSO Configuration Application MMC Snap-In

I just knew that Microsoft has released MMC Snap-In to use SSO to store configuration data.

Saravana has posted an example about this in his blog.

Check it out!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Which credential used by send port to communicate with Dynamics ?

I configured my BizTalk application to run on three different host instances: receive, process, and send. I thought the credential used when BizTalk communicates with Dynamics is the Send Handler Host Instance credential. But I got the following error:

The send handler host instance credential was the valid Dynamics user but the process host instance was not. When I switched the credential or changed the credential of process host instance into the valid Dynamics credential, it works fine.

So, is this the way it should work?

Monday, November 2, 2009

BizTalk Expression Editor MAXIMIZER

Randal has just posted a nice tool to maximize Expression Editor.

Check it out !